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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Preventing mosquito bites
June 07, 2016
Preventing mosquito bites not only enhances your enjoyment of outdoor activities, but can also protect you from exposure to Zika and all mosquito-borne illnesses. The Florida Department of Health reminds Floridians and visitors to protect you and your family with these simple tips outlined in the Mosquito Bite Protection in Florida information video and brochure.
(Transcript) Mosquito Bite Protection in Florida information video:
Mosquitoes will bite, day and night, so protect yourself with these tips:
Keep mosquitos outside by shutting doors and covering windows with screens.
Use-EPA approved insect repellants anytime you’re outdoors.
Cover your skin with long sleeves and pants.
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water; just a bottle cap of water is all they need.
So drain, refresh, or cover anything around buildings that can hold water, at least weekly, and put away outside items that aren’t being used.
Mosquito Bite Protection in Florida Information
Versions of video include: English, Spanish and Creole
Versions of brochure include: English and Spanish
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